Angel in you


Never let go of the angel in you, no matter how hard life pushes you. We may face so many bad things in life, but holding on to the goodness in you is the best thing you can do. It shows the will power in you. If you are influenced by the characters around you and loose your own self, it is as bad as failing. Be yourself no matter what. The happiness that gives is immense. Your besties and close-ones see something unique in you. Hold on to it. Always be the self-made person you once were.

In life we always meet so may people daily. Everyone teaches us something. Some teach us how to live and some teach us how not to. Always acknowledge the goodness you see around you and be blind to the badness. Its a boon to be able to notice the good things in your life. It makes our lives so peaceful.

In short be kind and grateful to the life you have and cherish the wonderful people who are part of your life.

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